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GridAuth :: About

GridAuth is created and maintained by members of NEESit and the San Diego Supercomputer Center.

Originally started by Tim Warnock, GridAuth began as loosely coupled scripts to facilitate account request and creation for the Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN). Over time this grew to encompass the entire authentication and authorization system at BIRN and it became clear that other groups could benefit as well.

Moving to a general purpose package required an entirely new architecture and a complete rewrite of all code. In order to allow open collaboration GridAuth moved to a pure open source product, free from the entanglements of academic politics.

As an open source product, GridAuth can benefit from collaboration with any interested party both public and private. If you are interested in joining the GridAuth team, please contact us immediately (you'll need a sourceforge account)!

Special thanks to NEESit, a truly awesome team that I'm honored to work with! NEESit and NEEScentral are now fully integrated with GridAuth along with the latest NEESgrid distribtution.

the Team
GridAuth developers - poised and professional!
Tim Warnock - Developer
website | email
Adam Lathers - Developer
website | email
Larry Miller - Developer
website | email
Daniel Frysinger - Developer
website | email

SourceForge.net Logo Comments or Questions can be sent to Tim Warnock